Purchases are shipped from our own or third party warehouses/ stores or offices. Our endeavor is to make the products reach you within the set time-frame from receipt of order and payment depending on the address of delivery. Order deliveries will be made by our own staff.

Goods will need to be signed for upon delivery. We take no responsibility for goods signed by an alternative person other than the person ordering the product at the address indicated at the time of the order. Since the transactions are authorized by the card holder, we do not take responsibility for incorrect addresses provided at the time of placing the order. We are not responsible for damage of products after delivery.

All claims for shortages or damages must be reported to customer service on the day of delivery through the contact us page on the web store. Also the said shortage of goods needs be highlighted and signed on the Proof of delivery copy and returned to the delivery person.


Shipping and handling rates may vary based on product, packaging, size, volume, type and other considerations. The shipping and handling charges are given at the time of check out and consumers will know about this before making payments.